The Third Heaven: The Rise of Fallen Stars Page 28
Charon stood silent for a moment, gazed upon Michael, and then spoke.
“And if you fail?”
“Then we are all undone, for even the vengeance of God cannot hope to stand against God himself. For a house divided against itself is brought to desolation, and behold what Lucifer himself has wrought with his division.”
The great cavern shook, and then Hell let out a scream of anguish and pain. The Warden fell to his knees, for he and Michael were knocked off balance. Charon touched the wall once more, and a vision of the mountain materialized on the creatures flesh.
Michael saw that a portion of the great mountain of Hell had been obliterated. A Ladder formed near and sliced through the mountains flesh. A piece of the mountain face sheared off from the familiar signature of a Ladder. Michael knew that Heaven was under siege with blind jumps from rogue angels who cared not for the protocols to keep Heaven and her denizens safe.
"Behold" said Michael. "Even Hell herself cannot stand against the power of a Ladder. What, pray tell, would Lucifer accomplish with the Stones of Fire the very source of thine creation?
Charon stood and walked towards Michael, and looking up at the giant, Michael backed slowly away. Charon reached within his robes and pulled out two glowing keys that were on a chain of fire and handed them to Michael to take.
“You will not ssssurvive Hell absssssent my pressssence," said Charon. "Only Lucifer and few of his kind have the power to traverse this realm and not perish, and even they cannot do so unssscathed. Buttttt your fleshhhhh is not like the Chief Princeeee, sooo I giveee to you the keyssss of Deathhh and Hellll. With them you may pass through Hell unharmed, and the power to bind and loose those within are yours.”
Michael reached up to grab the key ring, which blazoned with fire and heat and dripped as sweat beads from a tired soul.
“Gooooo to and sssstop thy brother. Do not fail me.”
Charon turned to walk away, and as he did, a wall formed to separate Charon from Michael. Darkness enveloped Michael as he stood alone with the glowing keys of Death and Hell in his hands.
Lilith and his men made their way through the damaged city and entered the Great Library. “Secure the premises,” said Lilith.
Lilith’s minions made their way to the two doors that lead into the building and stood watch to protect their master within.
The attendants of the hall looked at the invaders, stopped what they were doing, and stood silently. Lilith approached the desk and spoke to the Chief Keeper.
“You are Hariph, Keeper of this Library…”
Hariph lifted his hand and interrupted him. “I know thy works. Lilith of Lucifer. I know that thou hast left thy station as his Grigori, but know that we who work this great Hall will not leave our post to serve. We are the librarians of Grigoric history storing the chronicles of all things. Even now, we continue on our charge. We shall not be moved.”
Lilith smiled at him, “Then continue, but you will provide me with the information I need without delay, and if thy service displeases me, then know that thine own story will end this day. Am I understood, Chief Keeper?”
“All stories end, Lilith. There is no story but El’s, for only He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. We are but paragraphs in his tale. But come, I know what you seek. I am bound to assist all who inquire within. Your war does not concern me save it prevent me from my charge.”
Hariph spoke angel-speak and a book lifted from a shelf and floated to the stone and golden counter before Lilith. Lilith quickly turned its pages to the latest entry, frowned, and spoke aloud.
“How can this be? Michael was left on Earth, yet even now makes his way to the Kiln!”
“Perhaps,” said Hariph, "your plans are not as sure as thou hast hoped?” Hariph grinned.
“Wipe the smirk from your face, Lord Keeper. Bring me the tomes of all the Chief Princes immediately!”
"And what of thy Master Lucifer?” asked Hariph.
Lilith realized that he had disturbed the order of the Lord. By not documenting, he no longer could know how his master fared. He was blind to his chief’s actions. He smiled––it was a liberating feeling. To be free of this shackle, and no longer required to chronicle the exploits of another. I will have to thank my Lord properly when I am lord of all Grigori. This is how Raphael feels…to know all, yet never required to himself chronicle.
Hariph’s work was complete, and the books of all six princes were before him save one.
“Where is Raphael’s!” yelled Lilith.
“Ah, yes,” said Hariph. “You see Prince Jerahmeel came to us not long ago, and held a scroll to release the tome to him. His lordship has taken it; to where we do not know.”
“How can such a thing be? No one is allowed to remove a tome from this Hall!”
Hariph nodded in agreement. Lilith reached over and grabbed Hariph by his shirt, “You will tell me on whose order did you release this tome. You claim to stand neutral, yet you deny me my ledger!” Lilith released him, and Hariph slammed hard against a wall.
“Croganus, attend me and rid me of the Lord Keeper.”
Croganus moved from the doorposts, unsheathed a flaming sword, and approached Hariph. Hariph waved his hands, and spoke. “Would you kill me before knowing who ordered the release of Raphael’s Tome?”
Lilith motioned for Croganus to stop.
“Speak, brother. Reveal what is chronicled.”
Hariph rose to his feet, brushed himself off, opened a drawer behind him, removed the scroll and he handed it to Croganus who in turn gave it to Lilith.
Lilith saw the prismatic and red clay mark that had the Seal of El and unrolled the scroll to read. The document was like golden paper, its ink was as a mixture of onyx and surrounded in silver and written in angelic script.
To the Lord Keeper,
As thou hast been charged since, thy creation with the keeping of all tomes within the Hall, and to wit war has come upon us, you are requested and required in the name of Lord of Hosts to release the Tome of Raphael to the bearer of this scroll.
For two days hence, thou shalt be sieged upon, and Lilith will come to claim it. Lo, it cannot fall into the enemies’ hands.
Be swift in thy duties and remain faithful to the end, and thy reward shall be given after thy dissolution.
Lilith’s eyes grew wide for the writing was penned with the finger of God and signed by El himself.
He dropped the scroll, and it burst into flames. Hariph laughed aloud.
“You art a fool to think that the creature might outwit the creator. For even the foolishness of El is wiser than your wisdom. El hast known of thine treachery before thou hadst even set foot in this very room.”
Lilith slammed his fists into the stone table, shoved the books to the floor, scowled, and grabbed Hariph. “Who am I to deny prophecy?” Then he looked at Croganus. “Kill them all.”
As Lilith bent down to pick up the books, the screams of those felled by Croganus’ sword mingled with those who fell to battle outside the library’s walls. Lilith thought to himself.
Are we undone?
Jerahmeel rocked to the side as the cavern shook as the mountain rumbled from the thunder outside its walls.
“Raphael, we must act quickly. Can the mount withstand a Ladder directed against it?”
“Nay, it cannot. However, El lies within its center. I am of a surety that although nothing may bring Him harm, the same cannot be said for the rest of Heaven. It is clear that Lucifer intends to pummel the realm into submission.” Raphael raced to the great wall and spoke. “Reveal Third Heaven.”
The wall complied, Jerahmeel and Raphael watched in horror and astonishment, for Lucifer had placed guards at the four gates into the realm, and each had an open Ladder that prevented other Ladders from forming. They beheld that angel after angel fell upon Heaven as falling stars, and like meteoric lightning, they blasted the landscape arou
nd them. Heaven filled with craters from the destruction, and wave after endless wave destroyed buildings and friends. The skies bled with the blood of angels caught in each blast’s wake.
Their aim was true, and the duo looked as the firmament rained with angels who fell from the skies, each a missile of destruction as they landed in their Ladders. Like beams of death, they fell upon all things and blasted the mountain of God and the temple. The rock face roared its objection. As one angel landed to unsheathe sword and destroy those who did not possess the mark of Lucifer, another angel materialized to bombard the mountain. It was ugly and imprecise. Even the Seraphim were under siege as Lucifer’s soldiers were sent to breach the temple doors. The four mighty creatures battled with light and sound, cutting down all who would seek to enter without invitation, yet they were but four against a Legion which sought entry into the mountain. Raphael and Jerahmeel took in the scene in disbelief, and for a moment, despondency overtook the affable Jerahmeel who looked at the images before him, and hope melted away.
“It is only a matter of time before they overwhelm even the Seraph,” said Jerahmeel. “What can we hope to do?”
Raphael smiled. “Have faith, my friend. We are not without arms, yet I must concede our brothers genius,” said Raphael. “Lucifer has cut Heaven off from the multiverse. He prevents the totality of Heaven’s might to engage him. Those that resist, he blasts into dissolution thinning our ranks here and forcing us to battle one another. Yet to what end? How does he expect to conquer El? Nor can he hope to keep the entire host away forever. By now throughout the realms, all have realized that they are stranded from home. For when they return, they would strike him down. What does he hope to gain?”
“Can you track him?” asked Jerahmeel
“Nay. Lilith no longer chronicles his charge. Lucifer is invisible without a Grigori to….wait…that’s it….”
“What is it?
“There are Grigori throughout the realms. We can find where he is by looking where he is not.”
Once more, the great cavern heaved and bucked, the ceiling cracked, and the image started to fade for a moment.
“Shay-t-zune-zi-t-al whey” spoke Raphael.
An image of Heaven showed on the wall and its topography showed throughout, and there were swathes of red, except in one place.
“Oh my God!” said Raphael. “He wouldn’t dare!”
“What is it?”
Raphael showed his brother the red that outlined the whole map and pointed to the sole dark void where no red existed.
“These are the Grigori. Even in battle, there are those who have not wavered in their duties to record all that transpires around them. Through them, I may see all that transpires here. Lucifer does not exist within the sight of my brethren because he is here in the void.”
Jerahmeel looked at the map and saw that there was blackness in but one area in all of Heaven — Hell.
“He moves to the Kiln,” said Jerahmeel.
“Aye, and once there, even I do not know what might transpire. But lo, we have yet hope, for I see we have a standard raised even now against him. Reveal Athamas.”
Once more, the wall obeyed and the image of Michael and Asthmas came to the fore. The room itself grew bright, and Jerahmeel could feel the intense heat that emanated through the portal into the room. They watched as Michael moved with all swiftness through the organs of Hell as fire enveloped him, and hundreds of angels cried and begged him for release. Raphael watched the internal digestion of Hell, and it was gruesome to behold. The smell was putrid; Raphael could only imagine how his brother fared.
“Michael somehow knows Lucifer’s plan. He moves even now towards the Kiln. There is yet hope that he might stop him.”
Michael turned and saw that there was a light against the wall, and he strained to see that Raphael was watching him and Jerahmeel stood to his side.
“Canst thou hear me?” yelled Michael.
“Yes, brother!” said Jerahmeel. “Lucifer aims to capture and awaken the Stones of Fire! You must stop him!”
“I know!” yelled Michael, “I have…”
Suddenly a tendril of fire leapt through the wall, and heat and flame engulfed Jerahmeel and Raphael. Each screamed in pain as the flesh of Hell and bodies’ still alive, but digested; seeped through the wall to consume them.
Michael moved quickly, placed the flaming keys of Death and Hell into the mountains organic wall, and spoke. “Retreat into thine own sphere I command thee! Do them no harm!”
Upon command, the cancerous tumors of living bile, brimstone, and flailing arms of Elohim retracted back into the wall as the tendrils with razor like tongues hissed and eyed Michael with hatred.
Raphael rose to his feet and held his arm, now burned, and shook his head, groggy from the sensation of being eaten alive. Jerahmeel also came to himself.
Raphael spoke. “Go quickly, Michael. Godspeed. We will bring to naught Lucifer’s plans." Michael nodded and turned to continue his journey through the razor sharp teeth of bile-infested intestines of flame and magma.
Raphael spoke angel-speak and the image of the wall grew dark.
“We must stop this madness before it can grow further,” said Raphael.
“But how?”
Raphael eyed the glowing glass wall that separated the Zoa from them and was struck with inspiration.
Jerahmeel looked at his brother knowingly. “That is not funny, Raphael. I did not intend for you to fight madness with madness!”
“I intend to give our people who hold to El a chance at survival. The Zoa are as the Ophanim; they cannot be harmed by our kind. It is time we showed Lucifer’s legions that they have reason to fear what lies within the mountain. I need to get to the Library. Can you open the waypoint of Argoth? We must secure a passage to bring the legions.”
“Aye.” said Jerahmeel. “Lucifer has but one guard at each, portal. We only need one portal to bring in reinforcements.”
Raphael moved to the wall and spoke. "When I go through, you must speak the words to image the cliffs of Argoth. If you do not do so in time, well, the Zoa will have you to feast upon, and I would very much like to see you again.”
Jerahmeel chuckled. “Kick Lilith’s butt for me.”
Raphael smiled and turned to place himself in front of the wall. Jerahmeel moved to the side so as not to be in the line of sight of the Zoa and ducked behind a bookcase.
“This ought to be fun!” said Jerahmeel.
“Only if we live to tell about it,” said Raphael.
Raphael then spoke the words that brought down the barrier that separated the Zoa from them, took a tome from off a desk, and threw it into the cavern. Jerahmeel watched from a distance as the ceiling slowly moved, and the creatures awakened at the sound and movement of the thrown book.
Raphael spoke the words to the wall, and it revealed the street and entryway to the Great Library He tucked the Tome of Iniquity within his robes, grabbed another book, blew upon it, and then threw it into the Zoa filled room. Fire raged about, and the sound and movement from the fighting in the streets caught their attention. They saw Raphael throw another book, and a Zoa burst into flames and roared. They charged towards Raphael. Quickly he turned to run and immediately passed through the wall. Running into the street and dodging combatants, he sprinted to the Great Library.
Like a pack of elephants, several of the Zoa ran after him and leaped through the wall to overtake him only to find thousands of angels spread before them.
The throng looked about them curious at these new things. With its barbed tentacles, a Zoa grabbed a soldier of Lucifer, pierced his chest, lifted his body into the air, flung him around, and pounced to tear his limbs with its teeth. The populace raced every man for their lives as the giant creatures filled the streets. Each stung their prey and then devoured them.
Raphael looked to his rearward and saw that the creature that he had burned with his book still followed hard after him.
Maybe this was not t
he best idea.
Raphael saw that an angel blocked the doorway to the Library. And when the angel saw that Raphael raced towards him, he shut the door, and Raphael slammed hard against it. Seeing the creature upon him, Raphael leaped to his side, and the elephantine Zoa barreled through the door, smashed its way inside, trampled on the guard and crushed him underfoot.
Raphael entered in after it and saw Lilith with a look of petrified horror and anger on his face.
Raphael spoke. “You didn’t think you would get rid of me that easily, did you?”
The Zoa looked at them both with saliva and angelic blood dripping from its mouth ready to consume them.
Chapter Nine
No other God before me.
Jerahmeel peeked over the table sprawled with books and cautiously moved to the wall. Raphael’s handiwork rampaged through the street as the Zoa that escaped: crushed Lucifer’s soldiers underfoot and tossed foes into buildings. He remembered that his role was to close the Ladder at the Cliffs of Argoth and spoke as commanded by Raphael the words necessary to bring the waypoint into view.
Movement from out of the corner of his eye confirmed that Jerahmeel was not alone. He turned to look to his right and creeping towards him was a Zoa. Its mouth opened wide to reveal the razor sharp teeth. Spittle dripped from its mouth as it hissed at Jerahmeel, poised to pounce.
“Now, I know I look tasty, but soon there will be a nice strong angel over there?” Jerahmeel pointed at the guard whom the wall had brought into view. “Now that fella, yonder –– he’s got good bone structure and lifts stars; yep, there is way more meat on him than….”
The Zoa roared and leapt at Jerahmeel who ducked out the way and rolled over books and fallen brackets. The momentum of the creature sent it careening into shelves. Massive stone bookcases broke, crashed, and toppled down on the creature, burying it under piles of books.